Aims and Scope
Al Qalam aims to provide the researchers of Islamic Studies and its associated fields of Social Sciences and Humanities a platform for publishing their scholarly manuscripts with quite convenience and unprecedented facility. For about three decades, this interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary journal has provided a forum to publishing articles of high quality regarding numerous disciplines and approaches that are directly or indirectly related to Islamic Learning and Thought. In particular, the research works regarding field of the Glorious Quran, Sunnah, Fiqh, Hadith, and their interrelationship are our first priority and are published with great gusto. Moreover, the research regarding the practical aspects – social, educational, economic, political, and spiritual – of Man’s life and Islamic stance thereof draw our special attention. Besides, the articles that endeavor to logically prove Islamic viewpoint viz-a-viz the challenges posited by the threats of Western Philosophical Thought particularly modernism and postmodernism as true are welcomed with open arms.
Al Qalam helps promote original scholarship that signifies an awesome awareness of the conceptual and systematic problems raised by the study of social issues like extremism, radicalism, poverty, unemployment, corruption etc. Moreover, Al Qalam publishes works of the researchers without taking into consideration the differences of caste, colour or creed. In a nutshell, innovative and cutting-edge articles of wide range of knowledge and intellect are enthusiastically welcomed. Al Qalam is committed to peer-review probity and integrity and maintaining the towering and imposing standards of review. Once your manuscript has been assessed for suitability by the editor (s), it will then be double-blind peer-reviewed by an independent and anonymous expert (s).