تفسیر قرآن پر جدیدیت کے اثرات: ردّ و قبول کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ
Impacts of Modernity on Quranic Exegeses: Analytical Study of Acceptance & Rejection
Islamic Thoughts have roots in its 1400’s year’s heritage. Quran is a basic source of Islamic studies or discourses. History witnessed that whenever some false or wrong thoughts or practices tried to take place in Islamic discourses, Muslim scholars bluntly gave their opinions in the light of Quran to accept or reject them. In this way, massive Quranic exegetical literature took place in the field. As a result, till now any idea or thought which contradict or come in opposition of any Quranic saying or teachings could not get space in Islamic literature in a positive sense. In this scenario, when we study the paradigm of modernity, a complete system and ideology, it also got criticism and rejection completely or partially by renowned Muslim scholars. In this case Muslim exegetes seem divided into three groups. First one completely accepted the modernity and its thoughts but could not got acceptability in Muslim society and Islamic literature. Second was the clique, who partially accepted the modernity, means they insist on modernity that it should be adopted after Islamization, as a need of contemporary society. The third and the fundamentalist class of Muslim scholars completely rejected the modernity and its all ideas or slogans, irrespective of contradictory to Islamic thoughts or not. They were in view, that Islam is a complete code of life. Islam provides solution to every problem of every society and time. They also pointed out and rationalized the problems and misdeed of modernity due to which it is not possible to accept it even after its Islamization. This article deals with acceptance and rejection of modernity by Muslim exegetes and explore the rationales, Muslim scholars laid down to reject it in the light of Quranic guidance.