فکر اقبال میں خانقاہی نظام کی اصلاح، ایک تنقیدی جائزہ
Allama Muhammad Iqbal was a prominent philosopher and poet of the 20th century who presented his ideas about various fields, including religion and spirituality. He proposed a reformation of the monastic system in his thought, which can be understood in the context of his larger vision for Islamic revival. In Iqbal's view, the monastic system had become stagnant and had lost its original purpose. He believed that the primary goal of any religious institution should be to facilitate the spiritual development of individuals and society. However, he observed that the monastic system had become self-serving and had lost touch with the needs of the wider community. He criticized the monastic system for being inward-looking and disconnected from the world, which was in contrast to the Islamic teachings that emphasize engagement with the world and the betterment of society. Therefore, Iqbal proposed a reformation of the monastic system that would align it with the Islamic teachings and enable it to serve the needs of the wider community. He suggested that the monastic system should be open to people from all walks of life and should not be restricted to a particular class or gender.He also proposed that the monastic institutions should focus on education and research, which would contribute to the development of knowledge and the betterment of society. Iqbal's vision for the reformation of the monastic system was not limited to Islam alone. He believed that all religious institutions should be reformed to better serve the needs of the community and to promote the spiritual and intellectual growth of individuals. He argued that the monastic system needed to be reformed to become more relevant and responsive to the changing needs of the society. In conclusion, Iqbal proposed a reformation of the monastic system that would make it more relevant, inclusive, and engaged with the needs of the society. His vision for the reformation of the monastic system was in line with his larger vision for Islamic revival and his belief in the role of religion in promoting individual and societal growth.