The Feud Between the Salafiyyah And Ṣūfiyyah And Its Effects on The Unity of Nigerian Muslims
Salafiyyah and Ṣūfiyyah are two major groups in Sunni Islam. Despite their strong historical roots in Islam, they have some ideological differences and often clash like a cat and rat. This longstanding conflict is a global issue that affects many Muslim communities and societies, including Nigeria. This paper examines the situation in Nigeria and its impact on Muslims, using both historical and descriptive research methods. The former helps assess relevant historical facts, while the latter describes the current situation in Nigeria. The findings of this paper are that many Muslims in Nigeria are living in the wilderness of doubts and confusion. Also, many have lost bearing vis-à-vis spirituality, while many have been declared as Kuffār (infidels), among others. The paper called on the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) as the apex Islamic body in the land to rise to the occasion while making Ali ibn Abi Talib, the fourth Khalīfah’s treatment of the Khawārij as the template for settlement. The paper, therefore, concluded that the fierce battle between the Salafiyyah and Sufi adherents is a major source of disunity among Muslims and has negatively affected the advancement of Islam in Nigeria and the Muslims. All hands must, therefore, be on deck to bring the Muslims in Nigeria under one umbrella.