The Impact of International Law on Application of Capital Punishment Under Criminal Justice System of Pakistan
International law has a profound impact on domestic criminal justice system and not negation of concept of sovereignty envisaged by the UN Charter. This article traces origin of the prohibition of capital punishment and its evolution as a norm in international Law. In fact, the question of legitimacy and implementation of international law in domestic jurisdiction has gained its rationale with the passage of time. This research paper identifies obligation of Pakistan under international treaties to implement capital punishment in its domestic jurisprudence. It underlines the responsibility of Pakistan as a state party regarding reducing scope of the death penalty and to observe super due process to minimize the risk of execution of an innocent. Despite prohibition of execution of juvenile and insane persons in domestic laws, the paper figures out reasons for criticism against Pakistan in its periodic review of treaty monitoring bodies. This research concludes with recommendations to respect international obligations on implementation of capital punishment. The prohibition of capital punishment is based on non-derogatory rights which are enshrined in the Constitution of Pakistan as fundamental rights.