Laws of Blasphemy in Non-Muslim Countries An Analytical Study

  • Dr. Farooq Abdullāh, Dr. Mūhāmmād Abdullāh


A blasphemy law is a law relating to blasphemy or irreverence towards holy prophets or beliefs or religious traditions. These laws may forbid: the vilification of religion, "religious insults," defamation of religion, denigration of religion, offending religious feelings, or the contempt of religion. In some jurisdictions, blasphemy laws include hate speech laws that extend beyond prohibiting the imminent incitement of hatred and violence. This study examines the Blasphemy laws of UK, the USA, Canada, France, Denmark, Norway, Israel, Australia, Germany, Austria, Brazil, Ireland, Greece, Malta and Zimbabwe. Blasphemy law has been implemented almost in all the non-Muslim countries especially where legislation is based on the divine scriptures or Bible. This study proves that these non-Muslim countries still retain blasphemy and related laws. The existence of these rules in these countries proves that blasphemy is still a crime according to their own laws. The Western jurisdictions retain such laws in their books and some have even enforced them in recent years. Also there have been some prosecutions recently. This study proves the insincerity of the non-Muslim countries who, despite the presence of these laws in their own countries, force Muslim countries to eradicate such laws which are related to Tāūẖyn-y-Risāʾlāt or Blasphemy in Muslim Countries in the name of freedom of Speech.
