(6) التشبيهات و التلميحات القرآنية في الملاحم الأردية

  • الحافظ عبد الرزاق +الدکتور افتخار أحمد خان


This article entitle"التشبيهات والتلميحات القرآنية في الملاحم الأردية"  deals with the affection of Quran on urdu stories. The Holy Quran has directly or indirectly affected almost all languages of the world and urdu language and literature in particular has been rigorously influenced by the Holy Quran. Its impact is congent and comprehensive. Since, the inception and evolution of urdu language has been observed under the aegis of Arabic and the Holy Quran urdu fictional stories have shown deep impact of Quranic and Arabic linguistics which ushered in the under literary frase. The present research work has revealed similes and metaphors regarding Quranic stories present in urdu fictional parse. Urdu story-tellers relate frequently the characters and incidents of Quranic stories and file up metaphors on other side. The present research work includes analysis metaphors and similes related to Hazrat Suleman, Hazrat Dawood, Hazrat Yousaf, Hazrat Yaqoob, Hazrat Ibrahim, Hazrat Musa,  and Hazar Luqman (A.S). Which story-tellers narrated in urdu stories.
