فہم قرآن کے اصول وضوابط،مقدمہ فی اصول تفسیر از ابن تیمیہؒ کا اختصاصی مطالعہ

  • ڈاکٹر محمد فاروق حیدر, ڈاکٹر احسان الرحمن غوری


The Quran, the final revelation of Allah Almighty holds a significant status for the guidance of humanity. This demands a meticulous endeavors for its correct understanding. Ibn-e-Taymiah holds a significant status in laying guiding principles towards understanding the Quran. He presents certain principles in his famous book "Muqadammah Fi Usul al-Tafsir". Basic principle for understanding Quran is: determination of rules and regulation and to distinguish between Haqq(‰›) and Baatil(‚پ–‍). This article presents further elaboration of these two guiding principles laid down by Ibn-e-Taymiah. It further shows that these principles become the foundational idea for the Quranic scholars of our age.
