(اسلام مین فلسفہ جہاد۔۔۔ معنویت و مقصدیت ( اسما النبی الکریم ؐ کے تناظر میں

  • ڈاکٹر فائزہ بلال


Jihad is an important religious duty for Muslims. Jihad's literal
meaning is "to struggle" or "to strive" while in its religious context it
refers to an effort multidimentional in nature. The term in its broader
and general sense encircles all type of struggles including, to train and
improve one self, to maintain the true faith to preach Islamic
philosophy and defend it..Jihad is also the only form of warfare in its
specific meanings, permissible under the Islamic law against
disbelivers, apostates, rebels and dissenters renouncing the authority
of Islam. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was the first warrior of history,
who by adopting an effective and balanced defense mechanism, by
engaging in war Constitutions and by devising the stratergies of war
crafts which not only caused to formulate the principles for the code
of war but also postulated the basic rules for the international
relations and foreign policy.
