ابو الطیب سندھی کی شرح ترمذی کا اسلوب و خصوصیات: تعارفی مطالعہ

Epistemological Approach and characteristics of Hayyāt al Mahjah: An introductory study

  • Abdul Ghaffar Madani SBBU
Keywords: Abu Tayyab Sindhi, Tirmidhī, fiqh, Hanfi, Durr-ul-Mukhtar, jurisprudence, Hayyat al Mahjah.


Sheikh Abu Tayyab Muhammad Bin Abdul Qadir Sindhi (d.1149 A.H) was one of the renowned Islamic scholars and prolific authors of the Hanafī School of jurisprudence in the twelfth-century A.H from Sindh. He born in Sindh and then migrated to Harmain Shareef for higher education of Islamic disciplines. Due to his proficiency, he became Imam ul Harm and Teacher at Grand Masjid Nabvi at Madina Munwarah. He had great contribution in disciplines of Hadith and jurisprudential studies, as well as other fields of knowledge. He wrote many books in various topics of Islamic studies especially his most significant work on Jami Tirmidhī known as (حیاۃ المحجۃ و ایضاح الوحجۃ) and commentary on Durr al Mukhtar know as (قرۃ الانظار فی شرح تنویر الابصار) is famous among scholars. Jami Tirmidhī is considered one of the important books in the Seha sita, lot of prominent Scholars have made commentary as well as footnote of this book. Sheikh Sindhi`s commentary also significant amongst scholars of Hadith, Furthermore, this is one of the best commentaries on Jami Tirmidhī. His commentary deals with all objects like principles of Hadith and ilm-ur-rijal (history of narrators) and other aspects of research. This article is an attempt to explore his efforts and importance of this book and also discuss the methodology of Sheikh Abu Tayyab Sindhi to explain and address the Jami Tirmidhī,
