مولانا وحید الدین خانؒ کا نظریہ امن : تجزیاتی مطالعہ

An Analytical Study of Peace Ideology of Maulana Wahid-Ud-Din Khan

  • Muhammad Irfan Lecturer, Dept. of Islamic Thought and Culture, National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Lahore Campus
  • Hafiz Muhammad Naeem Saiful Islam Lecturer, Islamic Studies, UET Main Campus Lahore.
Keywords: Peace ideology, Maulana Wahid-Ud-Din Khan, Establishing Peace, Modern era


Peace is the desire of every human being regardless of religion. Every person wishes to have an atmosphere of peace wherever he is living. Peaceful world is closely related to inter-religious harmony. The most important need of the modern era is to discover a workable formula for harmony between different religions. World peace largely depends on inter-religious harmony. According to Maulana Wahid-Ud-Din Khan, three ideas are generally presented to establish peace in the world. The secular theory, the theory of unity of religions and the Islamic theory. The secular theory is definitely unworkable. The reason for this is that, for this we will have to accept a new interpretation of religion and the people of the religions did not accept this new interpretation. The theory of unity of religions is not viable because the academic and historical study of human history shows that the mutual differences between religions are not only apparent but real. For example, some religions believe in monotheism and some religions believe in monism. How is it possible that we try to achieve results by imposing on society a proposal which nature does not accept? After the failure of the secular ideology and the ideology of unity of religions, Islam's ideology of peace is inevitable. According to Islam, the real solution for establishing peace in the world is that the followers of every religion stick to their religion and respect other religions. People of every religion should not leave their religion and should not tease the religion of others, i.e. should agree on disagree. According to Maulana, festivals also play an important role in the establishment of a peaceful society. Festivals are related to tradition and society rather than religion. One part of festivals is related to the belief and history of the group, while the other part is general, which is a source of entertainment for the entire society and the entire humanity.
