بيع المرابحة وأثره في تنمية الاقتصاد: دراسة في واقع بنغلاديش

Bai-Murabaha and its impact on economic development: A study from Bangladesh perspective

  • Dr. Mohammad Abul Kalam Associate Professor, Dept. of Sciences of Harith & Islamic Studies Faculty of Shari’ah & Islamic Studies, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh,
Keywords: Bai-Murabaha, impact, Implementation, economic development


Bai-Murabaha is one of the used prominent types of trade mode in Islamic Economic, and it has been practiced in all Islamic banks around the world including Bangladesh. It is considered one of the trusts worthy transaction mode in Islamic jurisprudence, and one of the broadest and most famous methods applied for investing money in Islamic banks in Bangladesh. It is known that the Bai-Murabaha to the person ordering the purchase is one of the most recent names known to contemporary Islamic banks. This article deals with the concept of Bai-Murabaha and its types in the application of contemporary. It also indicates the legitimacy of the Bai-Murabaha, mentioning its Terms on order and promise in Islamic banks in a special way. Through this article, the researcher also addresses its practical application in various projects and its impact on economic development in Bangladesh, where noble goals have been achieved in this important field in sha Allah.
