Comparison Between Islam and United Nation Human Right Charter (Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 16) About Full Age of Marriage, A comparative Study
An important reason to choose this topic is that to share Islamic point of view regarding age of marriage as compare to Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) Article 16 which also discuss about full age of marriage. Both Islam and UN Human right charter give right of marriage to all persons both boy and girl of full age but have difference of opinion in full age of Marriage. In this article we will provide comparison between Islamic Point of view about Full age of Marriage and UN Charted full age of Marriage. Although all Muslim countries signed this Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) under United Nation platform. Now around fifty-seven countries with 1.8 Billion Muslim Population realized that some of the articles under Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is not according to Islam so its need to change. This study will help all Muslim Ummah to realize, rethink and try to change some articles of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) especially regarding Marriage (Nikah), age of Marriage and UN Human right department to re-consider this point of full age of marriage according to different religion like Islam.