تحریک پاکستان اور ھندؤ، مسلم و سکھ کے مابین تعلقات کا اتار چڑھاؤ


  • Sana Fatima Lecturer, M. Sc. History, M.Sc. English, Linguist, Gurmukhi Expert, M. Phil. Pak-Studies, PhD Scholar (History)
Keywords: True Heirs of Hindustan, Invaders, Arrival of Sufis, Emergence of Sikhism, East India Company, Outset of ‘Freedom Movement 1857’, Conspiracies of British Rule


Partition of Hindustan consists of a series of events and stipulations, and it’s considered to be one of the most novel and crucial events of 20th century on the global scenario. History of the nature of the relations between all Hindustanis is not as elementary and mutually encountered as it appears. Although it's hard to cover entirely those circumstances and events within a few pages but this article covers it in all possible ways. This article mainly raises few questions such as: what was the nature of relationships amongst Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs? As an outcome of this divide, what did Hindustanis achieve in terms of their interests, religion, and freedom? British who was the bourgeoisie thousands of miles away with extreme dissimilar religion, language, culture, civilization, how did they occupy this land shortly? What happened to these nations who were living united for centuries, in just 90 years (1857-1947) that they were forced to separate? When the fundamental intention for Sikhs, Muslims and Hindus was to get rid of British then why didn't they unite and collectively struggle to achieve it? This article brings under the nib of pen all facts that led to the Partition of Hindustan and turbulence of relations between Hindustanis from time to time. The facts explain that this contravene, and distraction was more external than internal which invaders Englishmen infused into the Hindustanis by a well-thought-out plan. And history witnesses that because of this conflict and international circumstances gave a rise to ‘1947’ that they surrendered to Hindustanis and returned to their country. Although they succeeded to get rid of British but due to their misapprehensions, voraciousness and external conspiracies Hindustan scattered badly and today this made all of them enemies to each other.
