Towards Proposing an Islamic Personality Index

  • DR. MOHD ABDUL ALAM Post Doc Research Fellow Department of Curriculum and Instruction Kulliyyah of Education International Islamic University Malaysia
  • PROF. DR. DAWOOD A. AL-HIDABI Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Kulliyyah of Education International Islamic University Malaysia
Keywords: Islam, Personality, Iman, Ihsan, Proposing


This article attempts to define Islamic Personality and propose a model of Islamic Personality and method to evaluate an individual’s Islamic Personality.  This document provides a brief background behind the need and concept of a holistic Islamic Personality Model and index. This is followed by a conceptual and operational definition of the holistic Islamic Personality Model. The following section provides the sketch and related literature that helped inspire the proposed holistic Islamic Personality Model. Finally, a set of quantitative and qualitative questions have been provided which help to measure an individual’s holistic Islamic Personality considering the conceptual and operational definition.
