Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) used by Plague and Covid-19 Doctors: A Study of Sematic Religious Perspective
Plague doctors are very much prominent and leading figures for the future covid-19 doctors of this global era in which the pandemic covid-19 disease has stricken the whole world. As an epidemic plague disease was very contagious and infected millions of the people in the past. Therefore, the plague doctors used to wear a uniform from head to toe. It was designed in order to combat the disease, saving themselves and others from infection. They also adopted preventive measure at that time in order to control the spread of disease. Later on, similarly, when a pandemic covid-19 disease came, it had also affected millions of people around the globe. So, the covid-19 doctors of today’s world also wore the costume having some amendments in it but covering themselves alike plague doctors. Likewise, they also imposed preventive and precautionary measures along with, Standard operational procedures (SOP’s) which is a modern term and technique used for controlling the spread of disease. The study is done with the purpose to know the plague doctor’s attire which have become an example for the future doctors of pandemic covid-19 disease. The study will also find the comparison of preventive and precautionary measures adopted during plague by plague doctors with those adopted in covid-19 disease by covid-19 doctors of modern world. The methodology adopted for conducting research is qualitative. For this purpose the study includes the secondary sources. As both the diseases were very much life-threatening for an individual in their respective times. The study also highlights the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) of the ancient plague doctors with those of the modern covid-19 doctors in controlling disease. The reader will come to know that whenever any epidemic or pandemic disease came, doctors are the ones who stands on the frontline in serving the nation. They are the ones who adopt strategies of precautionary and preventive measures for their implementation in order to combat and fight against the disease for humanity at their best possible way.
Plague doctors, disease, Personal protective equipment PPE, precautionary and preventive measures, covid-19 doctors, plague, covid-19