علم الحديث في بنغلاديش منذ فجر الإسلام إلى العصر الحاضر: دراسة استقرائية تحليلية

Hadith Science in Bangladesh from the Dawn of Islam to the Present Era: An Inductive and Analytical Study

  • Abdus-Salam Riyadhi Doctoral Researcher, King Saud University, Riyadh. Saudi Arabia



It is known, that Islam has arrived in this country by the some of Sa’habah of the Prophetﷺ , they came to here. So it was honored by their arrival, and by the Islam in his time ﷺ, Just as the sincere preachers and mujahedin came after them, conveying the Qur,an and the Sunnah. It means that the Hadith arrived in this region through the method of practical transmission, by the Sa’haba first, then by the sincere preachers second, then by the mujahidin third. So the science of Hadith spread throughout the country day by day.

With the aim of highlighting the role of mohaddithin in the pure Sunnah in the country, I intended to study the subject in an inductive and analytical study, It included the three phases of the spread of hadith science in Bangladesh: (1) The phase of spread through interaction and inheritance. (2) The phase of spread through ancient academic study. (3) The phase of spread through modern academic study, perhaps contributing to the development of the Islamic heritage library, and the nation and the Bangladeshi people together benefiting from the exchange of sciences & experiences.
